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CEOs’political ideologies and innovation:Evidence from US public firms

作     者:Qiang Wu Li Zheng Tanweer Hasan 

作者机构:School of Accounting and FinanceThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHong Kong SARChina General Electric Global Research CentreNiskayunaNYUSA Independent UniversityBangladeshDhakaBangladesh 

出 版 物:《Economic and Political Studies》 (经济与政治研究(英文版))

年 卷 期:2022年第10卷第3期

页      面:353-367页

学科分类:0303[法学-社会学] 08[工学] 

主  题:Political ideologies innovation CEO Democrats Republicans 

摘      要:Using both the number of patents and the number of citations that the patents receive as the measures of innovation and using political donations as an indicator of the chief executive officer(CEO)’s political preferences,we find that(1)firms led by CEOs with and without political partisanship show no differences in terms of innovation outputs;and(2)there are no differences between firms led by Republican and Democratic CEOs when it comes to innov-ation.The results are robust to a propensity-score-matching regres-sion,a firm fixed effect regression,and alternate measures of innovation.Overall,the results suggest that CEOs’personal political ideologies do not significantly affect their innovation decisions.

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