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Spatially-explicit quantitative relationship for a potential PES mechanism:Cascade hydropower development in Yarlung Zangbo River Basin, China

Spatially-explicit quantitative relationship for a potential PES mechanism:Cascade hydropower development in Yarlung Zangbo River Basin, China

作     者:ZHU Xiao-kang FU Bin Ramon Felipe BICUDO DA SILVA GUO Ying-man QIN Chan-yuan FENG Ting YU Hai-bing XIAO Kuang ZHU Xiao-kang;FU Bin;Ramon Felipe BICUDO DA SILVA;GUO Ying-man;QIN Chan-yuan;FENG Ting;YU Hai-bing;XIAO Kuang

作者机构:Institute of Mountain Hazards and EnvironmentChinese Academy of SciencesChengdu 610041China University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China Xihua UniversityChengdu 610039China Sichuan Provincial Chengdu Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Center StationChengdu 610041China Center for Systems Integration and SustainabilityDepartment of Fisheries and WildlifeMichigan State UniversityEast Lansing MI 48823USA Center for Environmental Studies and ResearchState University of CampinasCampinas 13083-867Brazil 

出 版 物:《Journal of Mountain Science》 (山地科学学报(英文))

年 卷 期:2022年第19卷第4期

页      面:925-944页


学科分类:081504[工学-水利水电工程] 08[工学] 0815[工学-水利工程] 

基  金:sponsored by the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Program (STEP, Grant No:2019QZKK0307) Sichuan Provincial School and Provincial School Cooperation Project:Key Ecological Asset Evaluation and Management Technology Project in Key Ecological Function Zones (Grant No:2020YFSY0005) 

主  题:Water yield service Relationship Hydropower development InVEST model QinghaiTibet Plateau 

摘      要:Payment for ecosystem services(PES) is of great importance for the sustainable development of mountain areas, key hotspot regions for the provisioning of ecosystem services. At present, PES researches mainly focus on forest protection, carbon sink trading, and water protection. As an important industry in mountainous areas, cascade hydropower development has generated substantial economic benefits accompanied by social and ecological impacts. However, efficient PES mechanisms to deal with hydropower generation in mountain areas are still unavailable. Therefore, the lacking of PES in mountain systems limits the development of those areas, and compromise the sustainability of hydropower development. The critical reason lies in the lack of a scientific method that can quantitatively analyze the relationship of hydropower stations with a geographical scope at county level(i.e., quantifying the water yield service provided by each county within the cascade hydropower development basin), and with different hydropower enterprises. We use the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin of China as case study area, one of the major hydropower development basins in China. First, we used Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs(InVEST) model to map water yield service. Then, we calculated the value of water yield service by relating the water yield to the gross output value of hydropower stations. We revealed the relationship(e.g., hydropower stations and identified counties) between the payers and the payees of ecosystem services through mapping and quantifying the provisioning regions in the supply of water yield service and the users(hydropower enterprises). Finally, we discussed the current situation of benefit distribution in cascade hydropower development basin based on the supply and use of the water yield service. The results showed that 1) the spatial distribution of the value of water yield service is uneven: the upper reaches are highvalue areas;the eastern region is

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