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On Relations for Moments of Generalized Order Statistics for Lindley–Weibull Distribution

作     者:Faten A.Momen khan Saman Hanif Shahbaz Muhammad Qaiser Shahbaz 

作者机构:Department of StatisticsUniversity of JeddahJeddahKingdom of Saudi Arabia Department of StatisticsKing Abdulaziz UniversityJeddahKingdom of Saudi Arabia 

出 版 物:《Computer Systems Science & Engineering》 (计算机系统科学与工程(英文))

年 卷 期:2022年第41卷第4期

页      面:197-208页


学科分类:07[理学] 0701[理学-数学] 070101[理学-基础数学] 

基  金:The work was funded by the University of Jeddah Saudi Arabia under Grant Number UJ–02–093–DR.The authors therefore acknowledge with thanks the University for technical and financial support 

主  题:Generalized order statistics Lindley–Weibull distribution recurrence relations moments 

摘      要:Moments of generalized order statistics appear in several areas of science and *** moments are useful in studying properties of the random variables which are arranged in increasing order of importance,for example,time to failure of a computer *** computation of these moments is sometimes very tedious and hence some algorithms are *** algorithm is to use a recursive method of computation of these moments and is very useful as it provides the basis to compute higher moments of generalized order statistics from the corresponding lower-order *** order statistics pro-vides several models of ordered data as a special *** moments of general-ized order statistics also provide moments of order statistics and record values as a special *** this research,the recurrence relations for single,product,inverse and ratio moments of generalized order statistics will be obtained for Lindley–Weibull *** relations will be helpful for obtained moments of gen-eralized order statistics from Lindley–Weibull distribution *** cases of the recurrence relations will also be *** characterizations of the distribution will also be obtained by using moments of generalized order *** relations for moments and characterizations can be used in differ-ent areas of computer sciences where data is arranged in increasing order.

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