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ADAM10 facilitates rapid neural stem cell cycling and proper positioning within the subventricular zone niche via JAMC/RAP1Gap signaling

ADAM10 facilitates rapid neural stem cell cycling and proper positioning within the subventricular zone niche via JAMC/RAP1Gap signaling

作     者:Nadia McMillan Gregory W.Kirschen Sanket Desai Emma Xia Stella E.Tsirka Adan Aguirre Nadia McMillan;Gregory W.Kirschen;Sanket Desai;Emma Xia;Stella E.Tsirka;Adan Aguirre

作者机构:Program in Neuroscience and Medical Scientist Training ProgramRenaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook UniversityStony BrookNYUSA Department of Pharmacological SciencesRenaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook UniversityStony BrookNYUSA Department of NeurologyBeth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical SchoolBostonMAUSA Department of Gynecology and ObstetricsJohns Hopkins HospitalBaltimoreMDUSA 

出 版 物:《Neural Regeneration Research》 (中国神经再生研究(英文版))

年 卷 期:2022年第17卷第11期

页      面:2472-2483页


学科分类:0710[理学-生物学] 07[理学] 071006[理学-神经生物学] 

基  金:National Institutes of Health(NIH)Grants R01 RMH099384(to AA)and T32GM008444(to NM) 

主  题:ADAM10 adhesion junctional adhesion molecule C neural stem cells neurogenesis olfactory bulb Rap1Gap sub-ventricular zone 

摘      要:The mechanisms that regulate neural stem cell(NSC)lineage progression and maintain NSCs within diffe rent domains of the adult neural stem cell niche,the subventricular zone are not well *** NSCs are arranged at the apical ventricular wall,while mitotically activated NSCs are found in the basal,vascular region of the subventricular ***,we found that ADAM 10(a disintegrin and metalloproteinase 10)is essential in NSC association with the ventricular wall,and via this adhesion to the apical domain,ADAM10 regulates the switch from quiescent and undiffe rentiated NSC to an actively prolife rative and differentiating cell *** of JAMC(junctional adhesion molecule C)by ADAM 10 increases Rap1 GAP *** molecular machinery promotes NSC transit from the apical to the basal compartment and subsequent lineage *** the molecular mechanisms responsible for regulating the proper positioning of NSCs within the subventricular zone niche and lineage progression of NSCs could provide new targets for drug development to enhance the regenerative prope rties of neural tissue.

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