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Identification of Factors Influencing Radiotherapy Errors during Radiation Treatments Using Quality Management Tools

Identification of Factors Influencing Radiotherapy Errors during Radiation Treatments Using Quality Management Tools

作     者:Li Lintao Lucia Clara Orlandini Wang Xianliang Fan Ming Lu Shun Kang Shengwei Zhang Dekang Heng Li Li Lintao;Lucia Clara Orlandini;Wang Xianliang;Fan Ming;Lu Shun;Kang Shengwei;Zhang Dekang;Heng Li

作者机构:Department of Radiation OncologySichuan Cancer HospitalChengdu 610041China Department of Radiation Oncol ogy and Molecular Radiation SciencesJohns Hopkins University School of MedicineBaltimoreMD 21205USA 

出 版 物:《肿瘤预防与治疗》 (Journal of Cancer Control And Treatment)

年 卷 期:2022年第35卷第1期

页      面:7-13页

学科分类:0831[工学-生物医学工程(可授工学、理学、医学学位)] 08[工学] 

基  金:supported by grants from Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province(No.22ZDYF2820,No.2019 YFS0336) Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau(No.2021-YF05-02107-SN,No.2019-YF05-00425-SN). 

主  题:Radiotherapy errors Delphi method Kaiser model Radiotherapy 

摘      要:Objective:To investigate factors that may cause radiotherapy errors during radiation treatments using quality management tools.Methods:The Delphi method was used to sort out the factors that cause radiotherapy errors which were then clasified by the Kaiser model.Results:In the first round of brainstorming,33 types of influencing factors were put forward,which were further reduced to 19 through the Delphi method.The recruited factors were,then,divided into four types by the Kaiser model,radiotherapyspecific factors with the mean weight of 49.49%,patient-related factors with the mean weight of 42.27%,therapist-related factors with the mean weight of 35.64% and hardware-related factors with the mean weight of 19.72%.Conclusion:Delphi plus Kaiser may be a promising method for predicting factors that may cause radiotherapy errors,which is worthy of further research.

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