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Insights into the role of major bioactive dietary nutrients in lamb meat quality:a review

Insights into the role of major bioactive dietary nutrients in lamb meat quality: a review

作     者:JavierÁlvarez-Rodríguez Olaia Urrutia Sandra Lobón Guillermo Ripoll Juan Ramón Bertolín Margalida Joy Javierálvarez-Rodríguez;Olaia Urrutia;Sandra Lobón;Guillermo Ripoll;Juan Ramón Bertolín;Margalida Joy

作者机构:Departament de Ciència AnimalUniversitat de Lleida25198 LleidaSpain Departamento de AgronomíaBiotecnología y AlimentaciónIS-FOOD InstituteEscuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica y BiocienciasUniversidad Pública de NavarraPamplonaSpain Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón(CITA)Avda.Montañana 93050059 ZaragozaSpain Instituto Agroalimentario de Aragón–IA2(CITA-Universidad de Zaragoza)Avda.Miguel Servet17750013 ZaragozaSpain. 

出 版 物:《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 (畜牧与生物技术杂志(英文版))

年 卷 期:2022年第13卷第4期

页      面:951-966页


学科分类:090502[农学-动物营养与饲料科学] 0905[农学-畜牧学] 09[农学] 

基  金:funded by Ministry of Science,Innovation and Universities of Spain (Grant numbers:INIA RTA2017–00008-C02–01 and-02) the Technology Transfer Operation of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014–2020 (Government of Catalonia and the European Regional Development Funds, Grant code 01.02.01) 

主  题:Fatty acid Forage Oilseed Polyphenol Vitamin E 

摘      要:Feed supplementation withα-linolenic acid(ALA)and linoleic acid(LA)increases their content in muscle,ALA increases n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and decrease n-6/n-3 ratio in muscle,and LA increases rumenic acid.However,high LA supplementation may have negative effects on lambs’lipid oxidative stability of meat.When the sources of ALA and LA are fed as fresh forage,the negative effects are counterbalanced by the presence of other bioactive compounds,as vitamin E(mainlyα-tocopherol)and polyphenols,which delay the lipid oxidation in meat.There is a wide consensus on the capability of vitamin E delaying lipid oxidation on lamb meat,and its feed content should be adjusted to the length of supplementation.A high dietary inclusion of proanthocyanidins,phenolic compounds and terpenes reduce the lipid oxidation in muscle and may improve the shelf life of meat,probably as a result of a combined effect with dietary vitamin E.However,the recommended dietary inclusion levels depend on the polyphenol type and concentration and antioxidant capacity of the feedstuffs,which cannot be compared easily because no routine analytical grading methods are yet available.Unless phenolic compounds content in dietary ingredients/supplements for lambs are reported,no specific association with animal physiology responses may be established.

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