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Correction to:Metformin activates chaperone-mediated autophagy and improves disease pathologies in an Alzheimer disease mouse model

作     者:Xiaoyan Xu Yaqin Sun Xufeng Cen Bing Shan Qingwei Zhao Tingxue Xie Zhe Wang Tingjun Hou Yu Xue Mengmeng Zhang Di Peng Qiming Sun Cong Yi Ayaz Najafov Hongguang Xia 

作者机构:Department of Biochemistry&Research Center of Clinical Pharmacy of The First Affiliated HospitalZhejiang University School of MedicineHangzhou 310058China Liangzhu LaboratoryZhejiang University Medical CenterHangzhou 311121China Department of Cell BiologyHarvard Medical SchoolBostonMA 02115USA Interdisciplinary Research Center on Biology and ChemistryShanghai Institute of Organic ChemistryChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 201203China College of Pharmaceutical SciencesHangzhou Institute of innovative MedicineZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310058China Key Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics of Ministry of EducationHubei Bioinformatics and Molecular Imaging Key LaboratoryCollege of Life Science and TechnologyHuazhong University of Science and TechnologyWuhan 430074China 

出 版 物:《Protein & Cell》 (蛋白质与细胞(英文版))

年 卷 期:2022年第13卷第3期

页      面:227-229页


学科分类:0710[理学-生物学] 05[文学] 07[理学] 0503[文学-新闻传播学] 

主  题:Metformin Alzheimer removed 

摘      要:CORRECTION TO:PROTEIN CELL HTTPS://***/10.1007/S13238-021-00858-3 In legend of figure 1,this sentence“(C)293THK cells were treated as in ashould be corrected as“(C)293THK cells were treated as in(A).In legend of figure 2,“E-64D(10μmol/L)in description of panel(B)should be removed.In section“Metformin activates chaperone-mediated autophagyof RESULTS,E-64D in sentence“Metformininduced degradation of HK2 and PKM2 was blocked by lysosomal inhibitors(E-64D,Bafilomycin A1 and Leupeptin+NH4Cl)should be removed.

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