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Systematic study of two-proton radioactivity with a screened electrostatic barrier

Systematic study of two-proton radioactivity with a screened electrostatic barrier

作     者:You-Tian Zou Xiao Pan Xiao-Hua Li Hong-Ming Liu Xi-Jun Wu Biao He 邹有甜;潘霄;李小华;刘宏铭;吴喜军;何彪

作者机构:School of Nuclear Science and TechnologyUniversity of South ChinaHengyang 421001China Cooperative Innovation Center for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technology&EquipmentUniversity of South ChinaHengyang 421001China School of Math and PhysicsUniversity of South ChinaHengyang 421001China Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Quantum Structures and Quantum ControlHunan Normal UniversityChangsha 410081China College of Physics and ElectronicsCentral South UniversityChangsha 410083China 

出 版 物:《Chinese Physics C》 (中国物理C(英文版))

年 卷 期:2021年第45卷第10期

页      面:69-76页


学科分类:08[工学] 0827[工学-核科学与技术] 082701[工学-核能科学与工程] 

基  金:Supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11205083,11505100,11705055) the Construct Program of the Key Discipline in Hunan Province,the Research Foundation of Education Bureau of Hunan Province,China(18A237) the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,China(2018JJ3324) the Innovation Group of Nuclear and Particle Physics in USC,the Shandong Province Natural Science Foundation,China(ZR2015AQ007) the National Innovation Training Foundation of China(201910555161) the Opening Project of Cooperative Innovation Center for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technology and Equipment,University of South China(2019KFZ10) 

主  题:2p radioactivity screening effect Hulthen potential half-lives 

摘      要:In this study,a phenomenological model is proposed based on Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin(WKB)theory and applied to investigate the two-proton(2p)radioactive half-lives of nuclei near or beyond the proton drip *** total diproton-daughter nucleus interaction potential is composed of the Hulthen-type electrostatic term and the centrifugal *** calculated 2p radioactive half-lives can accurately reproduce the existing 10 experimental datasets of five true 2p radioactive nuclei withσ=*** addition,we extend this model to predict the half-lives of possible 2p radioactive nuclei whose 2p radioactivity is energetically allowed or observed but not yet quantified in *** predicted results are in agreement with those obtained using the Gamow-like model,generalized liquid drop model,Sreeja formula,and Liu formula.

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