Reconstruction of total lower eyelid defect-a case series
作者机构:Ophthalmology DepartmentRoyal Shrewsbury HospitalShrewsburyUK
出 版 物:《Annals of Eye Science》 (眼科学年鉴(英文))
年 卷 期:2021年第6卷第3期
页 面:3-6页
学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 100214[医学-肿瘤学] 10[医学]
主 题:Eyelid reconstruction skin flap forniceal conjunctiva case series
摘 要:Background:Total lower eyelid defect after eyelid malignancy excision poses a challenge in the surgical management of total lower eyelid *** describe a technique of reconstructing total lower eyelid defect,using a skin flap and the residual lower forniceal ***:A retrospective case series *** patients had undergone lower eyelid basal cell carcinoma excision.A 3-4 mm margin excision was performed and specimens were sent for paraffin section histological *** was performed at the same stage,using a skin flap and the residual lower forniceal conjunctiva.A full thickness skin flap is raised from the lateral cheek,with its base at the lateral *** tissues are not included in the skin *** lower forniceal conjunctiva is released from the inferior retractors and advanced superiorly to cover the inner surface of the skin *** skin flap is transposed to cover the lower eyelid defect and sutured to the soft tissues at the medial end of the *** advanced forniceal conjunctiva is sutured to the superior edge of the skin flap forming the new mucocutaneous junction of the eyelid ***:There were 4 females and 1 male,with a mean age of 74 years(range,68-80 years).Histological clearance was achieved in all *** of the patients developed lagophthalmos,symblepharon or dry eye *** of the patients required any further revision ***:Total lower eyelid defects can be reconstructed using the residual lower fornix conjunctiva and a skin flap.