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Understanding the Outcomes of the China-England Mathematics Teacher Exchange:Observations ofa Shanghai Teacher

作     者:史加祥 Pinky Jain Jiaxiang Shi;Pinky Jain

作者机构:Jinshan No.1 Experimental Primary School University of Worcester 

出 版 物:《ECNU Review of Education》 (华东师大教育评论(英文))

年 卷 期:2023年第6卷第2期

页      面:318-327页

学科分类:0401[教育学-教育学] 04[教育学] 

基  金:The authors received no financial support for the research  authorship  and/or publication of this article 

主  题:China-England Mathematics Teacher Exchange educational differences maths mastery pedagogy 

摘      要:Highlights This study examines the China-England Mathematics Teacher Exchange program to identify and evaluate the differences in Chinese approach to mathematics *** are numerous differences in terms of national mathematics curricula,organization of mathematics teaching,and evaluation objectives and methods due to different educational and *** has made great achievements in mathematics education and student academic performance but has much to learn from England.

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