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Disordered carbon anodes for Na-ion batteries—quo vadis?

Disordered carbon anodes for Na-ion batteries—quo vadis?

作     者:Fei Xie Zhen Xu Zhenyu Guo Yaxiang Lu Liquan Chen Maria-Magdalena Titirici Yong-Sheng Hu Fei Xie;Zhen Xu;Zhenyu Guo;Yaxiang Lu;Liquan Chen;Maria-Magdalena Titirici;Yong-Sheng Hu

作者机构:Key Laboratory for Renewable EnergyBeijing Key Laboratory for New Energy Materials and DevicesBeijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter PhysicsInstitute of PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100190China Department of Chemical EngineeringImperial College LondonLondon SW72AZUK 

出 版 物:《Science China Chemistry》 (中国科学(化学英文版))

年 卷 期:2021年第64卷第10期

页      面:1679-1692页


学科分类:081702[工学-化学工艺] 0808[工学-电气工程] 08[工学] 0817[工学-化学工程与技术] 0703[理学-化学] 

基  金:the National Key Technologies R&D Program of China(2016YFB0901500) the National Natural Science Foundation(NSFC)of China(51725206) NSFC-UKRIEPSRC(51861165201) the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA21070500) Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(2020006) Beijing Natural Science Fund-Haidian Original Innovation Joint Fund(L182056) China Postdoctoral Science Foundation founded Project(2021M693367) the China Scholarship Council(CSC)for the PhD funding。 

主  题:disordered carbon anode Na-ion batteries 

摘      要:Na-ion batteries(NIBs)are gradually attracting much attention as an alternative to lead-acid batteries and supplement to Li-ion batteries(LIBs)owing to the abundant Na resources and excellent cost-effectiveness.Since the most commonly used graphite as an anode material in LIBs cannot be inherently used in NIBs,tremendous efforts have been made to advance the fundamental understanding and design of suitable anode materials for NIBs,including the improvement of Na storage capacity and the study on Na storage mechanisms.According to all these studies,disordered carbons are now the most promising anode candidates for NIBs.In this review,we discuss the current challenges and remaining problems to be solved in the area of disordered carbon anode materials for NIBs and provide future insights and research directions.

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