Pramipexole, a dopamine D3/D2 receptor-preferring agonist, attenuates reserpine-induced fibromyalgia-like model in mice
Pramipexole, a dopamine D3/D2 receptor-preferring agonist, attenuates reserpine-induced fibromyalgia-like model in mice作者机构:Laboratory of Autoimmunity and ImmunopharmacologyDepartment of Health SciencesCampus AraranguaUniversidade Federal de Santa CatarinaAraranguáSCBrazil Post-Graduate Program of NeuroscienceCenter of Biological SciencesUniversidade Federal de Santa CatarinaFlorianópolisSCBrazil Laboratory of Experimental PhysiopathologyProgram of Postgraduate in Science of HealthUniversidade do Extremo Sul CatarinenseCriciumaSCBrazil
出 版 物:《Neural Regeneration Research》 (中国神经再生研究(英文版))
年 卷 期:2022年第17卷第2期
页 面:450-458页
学科分类:1007[医学-药学(可授医学、理学学位)] 1006[医学-中西医结合] 100706[医学-药理学] 100602[医学-中西医结合临床] 10[医学]
基 金:supported by grants from Programa de Pos-graduacao em Neurociencias(PGN),Programa INCT-INOVAMED(grant No.465430/2014-7) Fundacao de Apoio à Pesquisa e Inovacao do Estado de Santa Catarina(FAPESC) Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior(CAPES)
主 题:dopamine dopaminergic system fibromyalgia hyperalgesia pain pramipexole reserpine
摘 要:Fibromyalgia(FM) is a complex pathology described as persistent hyperalgesia including somatic and mood dysfunctions, depression and anxiety. Although the etiology of FM is still unknown, a significant decrease in biogenic amines is a common characteristic in its pathogenesis. Here, our main objective was to investigate the role of dopamine D3/D2 receptor during the reserpine-induced pain in mice. Our results showed that pramipexole(PPX) – a dopaminergic D3/D2 receptor agonist – inhibited mechanical allodynia and thermal sensitivity induced by reserpine. Relevantly, PPX treatment decreased immobility time and increased the number of grooming in the forced swimming test and splash test, respectively. Animals that received PPX remained longer in the open arms than the reserpine group using elevated plusmaze apparatus. The repeated PPX administration, given daily for 4 days, significantly blocked the mechanical and thermal allodynia during FM model, similarly to pregabalin, although it failed to affect the reserpine-induced thermal nociception. Reserpine administration induced significant downregulation of dopamine concentration in the central nervous system, and repeated treatment with PPX restored dopamine levels in the frontal cortex and spinal cord tissues. Moreover, PPX treatment inhibited oxidants production such as DCFH(2′,7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein) and nitrite, also decreased oxidative damage(carbonyl), and upregulated the activity of superoxide dismutase in the spinal cord. Together, our findings demonstrated the ability of dopamine D3/D2 receptor-preferring agonist in reducing pain and mood dysfunction allied to FM in mice. All experimental protocols were approved by the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina(UFSC) Ethics Committee(approval No. 2572210218) on May 10, 2018.