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Synthesis and characterization of macrocyclic compounds with a hydroxyl functional group

Synthesis and characterization of macrocyclic compounds with a hydroxyl functional group

作     者:Min Ou Chun Zhu Qi-Long Zhang Bi-Xue Zhu 

作者机构:Key Laboratory of Macrocyclic and Supramolecular ChemistryGuizhou University Department of ChemistryGuiyang Medical College 

出 版 物:《Chinese Chemical Letters》 (中国化学快报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2013年第24卷第10期

页      面:869-872页


学科分类:07[理学] 070303[理学-有机化学] 0703[理学-化学] 

基  金:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.21061003) he International Collaborative Project of Guizhou Province(No.700104) the Natural Science Foundation of the Guizhou Province(No.(2012)2151) 

主  题:Schiff base Macrocyclic compound Synthesis Structure 

摘      要:A novel [1+1] Schiff-base macrocyclic compound 3 has been synthesized from precursor 1, 1,3-bis(2'- formylphenoxy)-2-propanol, and precursor 2, resorcinol-bis(4-aminophenyl)ether, via condensation and cyclizaction using Ba2+ as template. The macrocycle 3 was further reduced giving saturated macrocycle 4. The structures of 3 and 4 were characterized by elemental analysis, ~H NMR, IR, and MS spectra, and their structures were determined via single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that the macrocyclic compound 3 has a folded conformation, and the corresponding reduced product 4 adopts a twisted and folded conformation due to its flexible nature. ~ 2013 Bi-Xue Zhu. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Chemical Society. All rights reserved.

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