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Trajectory clustering for arrival aircraft via new trajectory representation

Trajectory clustering for arrival aircraft via new trajectory representation

作     者:GUI Xuhao ZHANG Junfeng PENG Zihan GUI Xuhao;ZHANG Junfeng;PENG Zihan

作者机构:College of Civil AviationNanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNanjing 211106China 

出 版 物:《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 (系统工程与电子技术(英文版))

年 卷 期:2021年第32卷第2期

页      面:473-486页


学科分类:12[管理学] 1201[管理学-管理科学与工程(可授管理学、工学学位)] 08[工学] 0825[工学-航空宇航科学与技术] 

基  金:supported by the Joint Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China and Civil Aviation Administration of China(U1933117) the Open Fund for Graduate Innovation Base(Laboratory)of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(kfjj20190709) 

主  题:air traffic management trajectory clustering trajectory representation flight pattern 

摘      要:Trajectory clustering can identify the flight patterns of the air traffic,which in turn contributes to the airspace planning,air traffic flow management,and flight time *** paper presents a semantic-based trajectory clustering method for arrival aircraft via new proposed trajectory *** proposed method consists of four significant steps:representing the trajectories,grouping the trajectories based on the new representation,measuring the similarities between different trajectories through dynamic time warping(DTW)in each group,and clustering the trajectories based on k-means and densitybased spatial clustering of applications with noise(DBSCAN).We take the inbound trajectories toward Shanghai Pudong International Airport(ZSPD)to carry out the case *** corresponding results indicate that the proposed method could not only distinguish the particular flight patterns,but also improve the performance of flight time estimation.

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