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Comparative study of different hydro-dynamic flow in microbial fuel cell stacks

Comparative study of different hydro-dynamic flow in microbial fuel cell stacks

作     者:Suransh Jain Arvind Kumar Mungray Suransh Jain;Arvind Kumar Mungray

作者机构:Chemical Engineering DepartmentSardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of TechnologySurat 395007India 

出 版 物:《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 (中国化学工程学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2021年第34卷第4期

页      面:423-430页


学科分类:0808[工学-电气工程] 08[工学] 

基  金:Grants received from the DST-SERB Government of India(File No.EEQ/2016/000802)to carry out this work is duly acknowledged 

主  题:Microbial fuel cells Waste water Hydro-dynamically independent COD consumption Fuel cell Bioenergy 

摘      要:This work has investigated the scaleup potential of microbial fuel cells(MFCs)under stacking *** was done in batch mode and continuous *** feeding mode stacks were operated in electrical series(S)and parallel(P)*** feeding mode stacks were kept in electrically parallel mode with different hydrodynamic *** two continuous stacks were connected hydrodynamically in series(*** Dependent;PD)and parallel(*** Independent;PID)*** performance of the continuous stacks was evaluated on the basis of COD consumption rate,power generation and coulombic *** obtained highest power(0.47 mW)which was approximately 3.6 times that of PD configuration(0.13 mW).The rate of COD consumption was also highest in PID stack(3091.75 mg·L^(-1)·d ^(-1)).Coulombic efficiency of the PID stack was 14.26%which was approximately 292.8%of the PD *** results confirmed that the parallel electrical connection hybridized with the independent hydrodynamic flow gives the best possible results when working with stacking of MFCs.

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