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Reflections on Black Visual Artist Doug Redd

作     者:Tony Bolden 

作者机构:University of Kansas 

出 版 物:《Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures》 (外国语言与文化(英文))

年 卷 期:2020年第4卷第2期

页      面:134-143页

学科分类:0502[文学-外国语言文学] 050201[文学-英语语言文学] 05[文学] 

主  题:Blues Neo-Confederacy Doug Redd Black Art 

摘      要:This essay was inspired by the death and devastation related to the pandemic of Covid-19 which intensified the ways that preexisting sociopolitical contradictions affected black *** the pandemic it was commonplace for thinkers to describe themselves as ***,in the moment of crisis,their voices were often silent or they offered superficial *** the magnitude of their lim itations-conflating moral protestations with political analyses,for instance-evoked memories of perceptive thinkers that I knew as a young man,such as visual artist Doug Redd whose worldview and aesthetics exemplify our need for alternative sensibilities,perspectives,and centers of thought in African American culture.

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