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Episodes of thoron exposure due to consumer products claiming health benefits of negative ions

Episodes of thoron exposure due to consumer products claiming health benefits of negative ions

作     者:Jaiki Lee Jaiki Lee

作者机构:Korean Association for Radiation ProtectionSeoulKorea 

出 版 物:《辐射防护》 (Radiation Protection)

年 卷 期:2020年第40卷第6期

页      面:625-630页

学科分类:0821[工学-纺织科学与工程] 082704[工学-辐射防护及环境保护] 08[工学] 0827[工学-核科学与技术] 082104[工学-服装设计与工程] 

主  题:negative ions health effect myth consumer products monazite thoron exposure 

摘      要:In May 2018,the primetime news casted a shocking report saying that radon concentration on a certain model of bed mattress found to be as high as 2200 Bq/*** a humble,the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission(NSSC)of Korea confirmed that significant amount of thoron gas is emanated from several mattress models marketed by a company claiming beneficial health effects of negative *** analysis showed that some internal fabric sheets of those mattresses contain high concentration of *** was revealed that the manufacture treated the material with so-called‘negative ion powder’procured from the market and NSSC found that its radioactive content is the monazite *** measurements with reliable instruments resulted in somewhat lower values,the tentative but conservative estimates of doses to the users are still remarkable,ranging from a few to 14 mSv a *** of the affected models have been marketed from 2010 but earlier models,with lower thorium content,were supplied from *** many as 88,000 mattresses have been *** manufacturer with help of the government,recalled all the affected models and separated the radioactive internals.A large amount of waste is waiting for the government decision on disposal *** problems were identified in other consumer products including latex mattresses and pillows imported,hot pads,and several models of sanitary or health-aid *** episodes called for revisiting NORM control strategy in Korea.

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