Extreme value distribution and reliability of nonlinear stochastic structures
Extreme value distribution and reliability of nonlinear stochastic structures作者机构:School of Civil EngineeringTongji UniversityShanghai 200092China Lecturer School of Civil EngineeringTongji UniversityShanghai 200092China ProfessorCheung Kong Scholar
出 版 物:《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 (地震工程与工程振动(英文刊))
年 卷 期:2005年第4卷第2期
页 面:275-286页
学科分类:08[工学] 081402[工学-结构工程] 081304[工学-建筑技术科学] 0813[工学-建筑学] 0814[工学-土木工程]
主 题:extreme value distribution reliability nonlinear probability density evolution method number theoreticalmethod
摘 要:A new approach to evaluate the extreme value distribution (EVD) of the response and reliability of general multi-DOF nonlinear stochastic structures is proposed. The approach is based on the recently developed probability density evolution method, which enables the instantaneous probability density functions of the stochastic responses to be captured. In the proposed method, a virtual stochastic process is first constructed to satisfy the condition that the extreme value of the response equals the value of the constructed process at a certain instant of time. The probability density evolution method is then applied to evaluate the instantaneous probability density function of the response, yielding the EVD. The reliability is therefore available through a simple integration over the safe domain. A numerical algorithm is developed using the Number Theoretical Method to select the discretized representative points. Further, a hyper-ball is imposed to sieve the points from the preceding point set in the hypercube. In the numerical examples, the EVD of random variables is evaluated and compared with the analytical solution. A frame structure is analyzed to capture the EVD of the response and the dynamic reliability. The investigations indicate that the proposed approach provides reasonable accuracy and efficiency.