



文献详情 >Facial expression recognition ... 收藏

Facial expression recognition in golden snub-nosed monkeys

作     者:Haitao Zhao Jiaxuan Li Xiaowei Wang Ruliang PAN Chengliang Wang Yi Ren Yan Wang Baoguo Li Haitao ZHAO;Jiaxuan Li;Xiaowei WANG;Ruliang PAN;Chengliang WANG;Yi REN;Yan WANG;Baoguo Li

作者机构:Shaanxi Key Laboratory for Animal ConservationCollege of Life SciencesNorthwest UniversityXi'an710069China Shaanxi Institute of ZoologyXi'an710032China Graduate School of ManagementUniversity of California DavisDavisCA 95616USA International Centre of Biodiversity and Primate Conservation CentreDali UniversityDali671000China School of Human SciencesUniversity of Western AustraliaPerthWA 6009Australia Center for Excellence in Animal Evolution and GeneticsKunming Institute of ZoologyChinese Academy of SciencesKunming650223China 

出 版 物:《Current Zoology》 (动物学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2020年第66卷第6期

页      面:695-697页


学科分类:0710[理学-生物学] 07[理学] 071002[理学-动物学] 

基  金:This study was supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Fund(31730104) National Natural Science Foundation of China(31801981) Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDB31020302) National Key Program of Research and Development,Ministry of Science and Technology(2016YFC0503200) Innovation Capability Support Program of Shaanxi(2020KJXX-008) Foundation of Shaanxi Academy of Sciences of China(2016K-20,2018K-16-04,2019ZY-JCTJ-06) Key Research and Development Program of Shaanxi Province of China(2018PT-04) One Institute One Brand Foundation of Shaanxi Academy of Sciences(2020k-01). 

主  题:Rhinopithecus roxellana facial expression social cog nition social interaction behavioral response 

摘      要:For socialized animals,such as prinlates,emotions arc the expression of internal states,which may be recognized by others to adjust an in dividual s potential actions(Girard and Bellone 2020).Facial expressions are therefore important signals in communication(e.g.,happy or in pain)and can help individuals understand potential meanings between each other(Dolensek et al.2020).Facial expressions can be expressed and processed freely and are useful in social interactions and bonding(Waller et al.2016).

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